Inscription Bridge

Inscription to ERC-20 token (Wrap)

  1. For wrapping inscriptions to ERC-20 tokens, firstly you need to visit

  1. Select the inscription you want to wrap, and enter the amount for transferring. Make sure the transfer amount is not more than your inscription balance shown.

  1. Confirm the transfer transaction and it will show the minting option on the order block after few block confirmations.

  1. Choose to click the Mint button to withdraw the ERC-20 tokens to your wallet. After the minting process is successful, the button will changed to "Minted" status, and your ERC-20 tokens will be reached in your wallet.

ERC-20 tokens to Inscriptions

  1. For unwrapping ERC-20 tokens to inscriptions, you can select Unwrap section.

  1. Choose your ERC-20 tokens and enter your wrapping amount. You can choose to send to other wallet address as well.

  1. Click the Withdraw button to unwrap the ERC-20 tokens for inscription. To unwrap the tokens, you may need to approve the allowance for ERC-20 tokens. After that, you must confirm the transaction again to burn the ERC-20 tokens, therefore you can only wrap the ERC-20 tokens for inscription. Following block confirmations, the withdrawal amount will appear as follows:

  1. The verification procedure could take up to five minutes. You can always reload the page to get the most recent status. Once the process is completed, the status will be updated to "Withdrew".

Last updated