How to Farm?

  1. Approve Yield Booster contract to allow access all the user position in NFT form.

  1. Get prepared the user liquidity position of the pool and stake into yield farming pool.

  1. After staked your position, you can starting to farm the reward tokens.

  2. Unstake: Unstake your position and exit yield farming pool. If unstaked, you won't get any rewards from the farming pool.

    1. You can unstake your position anytime.

    2. Reminder: After unstaked, if you want to remove LP and de-allocate your xDERP allocated for the position, remember unset xDERP on your position on yield farming page before removing your LP.

  3. Boost: Boost your rewards with multipliers by allocating your xDERP to your position.

  4. Harvest: Receive your reward tokens while staking your position and xDERP.

Last updated