ðŸ§ŪToken Distribution

DERP token distribution details

Max circulation of DERP is capped at 100 trillion tokens (100,000,000,000,000). No further minting is allowed and DERP LP token will be locked for 1 year.

  1. Ecosystem 48%

  2. Liquidity 8%

  3. DAO 20%

  4. Pre-sale & public sale 13%

  5. Team & advisors 10%

  6. Foundation reserve 1%

Distribution breakdown

Ecosystem (48%)

This is to kickstart TVL and traction through growth strategies:

  • For zkSync, Base and opBNB users for long term support

  • Initial launchpad projects on DerpDEX IDO launchpad

  • Early alpha supporters: testnet & mainnet users, bug bounties, Discord alpha users

  • Genesis campaign for liquidity providers, meme-tokens and traders

  • Referral and business initiatives to secure new TVL, community and project launches

The more DAO, community, LP, trader and upcoming projects are involved with DerpDEX, the more community DERP will grow.

This aligns with derp’s mission; the most memeable DEX, ever and make DERP great again!

For more details about airdrop distribution, please visit our "airdrop" documentation page for more information.

Liquidity (8%)

  • Initial DEX AMM liquidity: 1%

  • CEX liquidity provision: 7%

Liquidity requirements for DEX LP and CEX trading liquidity across centralized exchanges. This is to create volume and sufficient liquidity for the DERP token as per CEX requirements for market depth and tighter spreads.

Presale and public sale (13%)

  • Angel investors: 9%

  • Private sale: 2%

  • Public sale: 2%

Angel investors receives 10% on TGE, 24 months linear vesting with 30d cliff. Private investors receives 30% on TGE, 24 months linear vesting with 30d cliff.

Public sale receive 30% on TGE with 1 month cliff with following 3 months linear vesting.

DAO (20%)

  • Emission incentives: 20%

This 20% is reserved for staking and farming incentives in APR%.

DAO is controlled by multi-sig governance using xDERP staking mechanism.

Emission incentives will be used as additional benefits for long term DERP stakers and determined by Derp DAO

Team & Advisors (10%)

  • Core team: 8%

  • Advisors: 2%

1 month cliff and 2 years linear after using smart contracts. Team and advisor tokens are locked.

Foundation reserve (1%)

This allocation is for foundation purpose to strengthen the financial and capital for protocol longevity including over-the-counter private sale for value-add and strategic investors.

Any unused, unclaimed and balances of airdrop tokens are to be allocated back to foundation reserve for future purposes such as strategic investments post TGE.

This is to ensure the protocol has sufficient capital to attract talents, engineers, PM, partners, community, marketing and including MM and upcoming CEX listings for more liquidity and volume for DerpDEX.

Last updated